The Encouragement Blog

Inmate Family Encouragement

Cover image for “The Power of the (Empty) Tomb”

The Power of the (Empty) Tomb

In an earlier blog post we wrote about The Power of the Cross. We detailed that God was a Holy God that cannot abide sin in any form. That being the case, we as sinful human beings were in a lot of trouble in the eternal destiny department. We were going to have to pay for our sins somehow if
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Aug 03 2022
Cover image for “Most Encouraging News: Part Two”

Most Encouraging News: Part Two

In the previous blog, we talked about the most encouraging thing anyone could hear is God saying to us “I love you.” To be loved by the Creator of the Universe is better than having the direct dial phone to the greatest lawyer, movie star or politician. To be loved by God is to affirm our worth. We are worthy
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Mar 09 2022
Cover image for “Most Encouraging News: Part One”

Most Encouraging News: Part One

The most encouraging news that anyone could ever hear is the message that “God loves you.” Just exactly why that is so heartening lies in the Bible verse, Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Note that this verse doesn’t say Christ died for us AFTER
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Feb 23 2022
Cover image for “Unconditional Love”

Unconditional Love

To paraphrase author Stephen Covey “Nothing is worse than climbing the ladder of success, only at the top to find it is leaning against the wrong building.” What this aphorism means is that many of us go through life trying to amass the biggest piles of sand in hope of finding our identity and significance through stuff! This is a
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Feb 19 2020
Cover image for “Releasing Hate”

Releasing Hate

Jesus loved all people, not judging them for their gender, occupation, or race. When Jesus rose from the dead, He announced His resurrection to Mary. Jesus worked through a woman to bring Peter and John to Him. This was radical. Women had no status in first- century Jerusalem. Women couldn’t offer testimony at a trial, and men rarely spoke to women in public.

Jesus also did not discriminate on the basis of occupation.

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Aug 01 2018
Cover image for “Keeping Good Company”

Keeping Good Company

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”    1 Corinthians 15:33 As we were growing up, we always knew the girls who knew how and where to shoplift the coolest lipstick. We also knew the guys who could hot-wire a car so we could take a joy ride. Those same guys were the ones who tried to get us
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Jan 31 2018
Cover image for “How Valuable are You?”

How Valuable are You?

What is a person worth? What are we worth? What are you worth? Do you ever sit alone after a tough day or in the midst of a busy life and ponder the question, “What am I worth?” Most of us do from time to time. The problem is that we look for the answers in the wrong places. In
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Jan 17 2018
Cover image for “Our Monthly Virtue = Patience”

Our Monthly Virtue = Patience

As we unpack what Henry Drummond wrote in his essay on Love entitled; The Greatest Thing in the World, we begin with Patience. Other words that describe Patience are: long-suffering, perseverance, tolerance and persistence. It is probably fair to assume that Patience is the least popular of all the virtues Paul lists in 1 Corinthians 13, the treatise on Love.
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Feb 15 2016
Cover image for “Prayer for Acceptance of God’s Love”

Prayer for Acceptance of God’s Love

God, Jesus—whoever You are—I am frightened. You see, I have never been loved in my life. I cannot remember when I truly felt the warm flannel blanket of a mother’s love around my shoulders. God, I have trouble with any father figure in my life because mine hit me for years and
my mother did nothing to stop it. In my
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Nov 23 2015
Cover image for “Never Separated from God’s Love”

Never Separated from God’s Love

Does it mean [Christ] no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death?… I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about
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Nov 16 2015