The most encouraging news that anyone could ever hear is the message that “God loves you.” Just exactly why that is so heartening lies in the Bible verse, Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Note that this verse doesn’t say Christ died for us AFTER we stopped gambling, whoring, swearing, looking at pornography, yelling at our wives, cheating on our taxes and/or our husbands. No! It says, “While we were still sinners…” Jesus meets us where we are. Whether that is in the human septic tank of lust, greed or murder. He has very low standards for acceptance and we should all be glad that He does. So often we are feeling guilty about our lives and the obvious sins that we commit. The devil uses those feelings of guilt to make us feel unworthy of God. The devil whispers to us, “God could never love a sinner like you.” Or, “Do you know what you’ve done…don’t even think that God would forgive you.” But, this verse proves to us that the devil, as usual, is lying to us.
Jesus came to heal the sick. He came to bring good news to the prisoners and the poor. He ate with tax collectors, prostitutes and riff-raff. And, He came to pay the price for my sin and yours.
Now, when we fully understand the sacrifice and love of Jesus, do not be coy or glib about what that means. It does NOT give us a license to keep on sinning and living a life contrary to God’s commands…feeling that Jesus will simply forgive us. Once we believe that Jesus is who He aid He is, we must change our course…REPENT…and begin to live a life in honor of His sacrifice and love.