Contact Us

We invite you to contact us any time, by mail, email or phone, or by filling out our inquiry form below. We’ll direct your request to the appropriate person and get back to you promptly. Doing HIS Time Prison Ministry serves incarcerated men and women, ex‑offenders, prison chaplains, and prison ministries around the globe.

Doing HIS Time Prison Ministry

Mailing Address 
PO Box 1508
Wheat Ridge, CO 80034‑1508

Physical Address 
4045 Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 310
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

PHONE : 303‑300‑3670


Book Cover: Doing HIS Time Meditations and Prayers for Men and Women in Prison , James C. Vogelzang with Lynn Vanderzalm, Forward by Charles W. Colson. Revised Edition with Study Guides

Doing HIS Time Devotional

DHT works with facilities and prison ministries, equipping them with the Doing HIS Time devotional FREE of any charges (including shipping and handling). Please use the bulk order inquiry form to send us your request.
Bulk Orders

Do you know a prison ministry leader or prison chaplain who would be interested in the DHT Inmate Devotional? Do you know a church small group, prayer team or other group who might be interested in providing the Doing HIS Time devotional to a facility in their area?
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