Make A Donation
Your Support Matters
Your Donation is Tax Deductible
Doing HIS Time Prison Ministry is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Please consider how little it takes to change a life's trajectory. Your donation could be someone's key to a better future.
Consider these small “cups of cold water”:
- A backpack filled with hygiene items
- Bus tokens
- New (used) clothing
- Winter coat
- Driver’s license
- Birth certificate
- A smiling face that reveals acceptance, love, and God’s grace
Make a selection from the options below. If you prefer, you may enter your own donation amount. If there is a particular aspect of our ministry that you would like to support directly, please include your wishes in the Special Instructions box when submitting your donation. For example, “backpacks and hygiene items” or “72 Hour Fund.” Thank you for your support!
For assistance with donation, please email:
Your Donations Help Doing HIS Time Programs

72 Hour Fund
The 72 Hour Fund provides recently released ex-offenders, essential services to assist their successful transition back into Colorado society. DHT provides: clothes (summer/winter; dressy/casual), shoes/work boots, bus tokens, backpacks with hygiene items, I.D documents assistance and job opportunities.

Doing HIS Time Devotionals
This is a one-of-a-kind, daily devotional written using inmate language, stories, slang and culture brings the Gospel of Jesus to incarcerated men and women in a way they will welcome and understand. We offer this freely to those in need, including bulk shipments for prison ministry and other support organizations.