God has an individual, specific plan for each one of us. From before we were born, God knew who we were going to be and what His plan was for our lives. He made each of us perfectly different for exactly the role He has in mind for us to play.
He also gave us the ability to decide for ourselves what is right. Many of us ignored God’s plan and made decisions without consulting His manual—the Bible. We went our own way and dismissed His blueprint for our lives.
Now we sit in a self-made prison of despair or self-hatred. Our version of our plan for our lives ran ourselves into the ditch. We have divorced our spouses and hurt our children. We feel worthless and wonder why we exist at all! That’s definitely not God’s plan for our lives.
God gives us a set of guidelines to make our lives richer and safer. The Ten Commandments are not God’s way to restrict our happiness. They are part of His plan, and they outline the ways we can live safe, abundant lives.
God’s plan for our lives involves not only a full life here and now, but also true freedom for eternity. God loves us so much that He wants us to live with Him forever. Imagine living for eternity in the presence of Almighty God Himself. And to make that happen for us, God was willing to sacrifice His only Son to pay the debt for our sin.
God’s love is so deep that He offers this gift to us—free. When we believe in Him and accept His gift of salvation, He makes a reservation for us to live with Him forever.