72-Hour Fund Recidivism Rates Lower Than State Average

72-Hour Fund Recidivism Rates Lower Than State Average

Dear DHT Friends,
In 2003, DHT started 72 Hour Fund; a reintegration ministry that deals with the flood of ex-offenders being released back into Colorado society…but who do not have adequate or even elementary resources to help them stay out of prison. The vision God entrusted to us was to be an oasis where ex-offenders of all faiths could get a “cup of cold water.” In addition, we wanted 72 Hour Fund to be a place where a recently released ex-offender would feel acceptance, hope and “experiential grace”…that is, a real, tangible love of Jesus, as if a warm flannel blanket of forgiveness and love had been thrown around their shoulders.

We offer these men and women tangible grace; i.e., backpacks, shoes, socks, pants, shirts, dresses, purses, belts, work boots, winter coats, hygiene items and help with identification items. We also offer bus tokens for their transportation needs. While we know the love of God is felt while these souls are in our offices, many of our donors wonder if there are any long lasting effects. In other words, “Does 72 Hour Fund make a difference?”

The answer is a resounding YES. The chart below shows all the 72 Hour Fund clients from 2010-2012, a three year period. During that time, 1,028 ex-offenders came through and felt God’s grace in a real way. As you can see, after three years out, only 13% have returned to a Colorado state prison…compared the State of Colorado average of 48.8% for the same period. We are not certain as to why the numbers are so dramatically different, yet, they are…and the WHY is less important to DHT as the fact that God is doing something positive for Colorado through DHT 72 Hour Fund.

Recidivism Total Chart

Please give us your old and new clothes…the ones that no longer fit. And give us financial support for the items that cannot be donated. We are in this together. Help us continue to make Colorado a safer place.



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