Remember those hot summer afternoons when all the relatives would come together, have a barbecue, and visit? But if two family groups were divided and angry at one another, the reunion could become hostile and unpleasant. The groups needed to be brought together for the family to live in harmony. Unfortunately, pride often kept fighting family members from admitting fault and making peace. It’s pretty much the same situation with God and us.
God created a perfect world. Adam and Eve brought sin into the world through disobedience and pride (see Genesis 1–3). There was a disruption in the harmonious relationship between God and mankind, and that disruption still exists. It needs to be repaired because the deepest need all humans have is reconciliation with God. When we are at odds with God, we have no harmony in our lives. Our family relationships suffer. Our dealings with authority inside the walls deteriorate. We require peace with God. But, our pride, anger, and self-will keep us from making peace with Him.
The good news is that God pursues us, even when we ignore Him. He sends His Holy Spirit to follow us around, knocking at the door to our hearts. (See Ephesians 2:16)
When we respond to His call and make peace, our lives change. In place of stubborn arrogance, the Holy Spirit gives us loving spirits that are patient and kind. Rather than a cruel, heartless attitude toward the other people in the pod, we reach out with compassion, empathy, and a listening ear. When we are reconciled to God, we experience tranquility, perhaps for the first time in our lives. It is a major step on the road to becoming sons and daughters of God.