Is Bigger Better?

Is Bigger Better?

“Bigger is better” is the world’s slogan. Cities compete to claim the world’s tallest buildings. Sporting events and stadiums boast about being the biggest and most expensive in history.

But that’s not how Jesus rolls. He compared the Kingdom of God to an insignificant mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds (See Mark 4:30-32). Jesus never confused size with importance.

Jesus entrusted His world-changing mission to a group of largely unskilled men. When Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared first to the least significant people on the planet at the time: women. Today, Jesus is still using small seeds—us!

As ordinary people, we often feel powerless, isolated, and worthless. We are usually not eloquent. Many of us speak with fractured grammar. We are afraid and not well educated.

We must throw off that mindset. Jesus certainly does. When we have “the mind of Christ” (see 1 Corinthians 2:16), we will see significant results from our work. But we need credibility. The growth of the mustard seed depends on an authentic walk with Jesus and on a witness that has integrity. If we have that, planting a kind word or being a help to someone in His name will produce a harvest of eternal consequences. When we bring a brother or sister to church or when we share a favorite Scripture verse, we cannot calculate the size of the result that may come from that seed. Our responsibility is to sow the seeds. We leave the results up to God.