We will all find ourselves in the S-L-O-W lane of life at some point. Whether it is being in-between jobs, staying home with the young children (not always so slow there!!) or when we are taken ill or find ourselves being care-givers to someone else, maybe our elderly parents, for example. When God has us in the far-right lane of life’s freeway, consider the list below as things one might take notice of when we find ourselves in the very, very slow lane of life…
The depth of love and loyalty of your puppy…
The smell and feel of new bed linen freshly laid…
The pain or anxiety in the eyes of a friend or maid or daughter…
The intoxicating aroma of newly mown grass…
The potency of prayer at 3:30 in the morning…
A fuller appreciation of how much you don’t need…
Tear filled eyes as you lay your head against your lover’s shoulder…
The Siren allure of a train whistle in the night…
Brown bubbles on the top of your coffee…
The pleasure of turning pages of a real book…
A foot rub…
Watching God provide for the birds…