Is there a hunger and desire for the truth of Jesus inside prison walls? Inside Journal the in-prison newspaper published and distributed by Prison Fellowship Ministries ran an ad for our prison devotional offering to send it free of charge to any inmate who requested a copy. What you see in the picture is one day’s mail! Over 200 requests from women and men incarcerated in prisons from Maine to California. We are overjoyed with their response and will send each one their own copy.
Would any of you like to make a difference in an inmate’s Christmas this year? For only $6.00 you can send a copy of our daily devotional, Doing HIS Time, Meditations and Prayers for Men and Women in Prison to an inmate requesting a copy. For $150.00, you can send a case of 52 copies to the chaplain or volunteer coordinator at a prison. Feel free to donate online or write us at DHT, PO Box 51509, Santa Barbara, CA 93190.
Thank you in advance for “kneeling with those who’ve stumbled.”

Together in HIS Service.